When will you come and shine on me again?
You hide your secrets up in heaven’s cloud.
What lies beyond your love for sorrow’s rain?
I gaze on truth through a frost window’s pane.
Eyes glaze o’er. I wait. Should it be allowed,
When will you come and shine on me again?
As glacier air, the honest wind does pain
Me. I pine for you without a shroud …
What lies beyond your love for sorrow’s rain?
A false heir to your rays of light that chain
Me true. A slave, raised up right from the crowd.
When will you come and shine on me again?
Spotted in the sky; on my heart a stain–
Your name. I cry “out” like thunder cast loud.
What lies beyond your love for sorrow’s rain?
Do not refrain from righteous roads once lain;
Lie on, oh golden hunter of the proud.
When will you come and shine on me again?
What lies beyond your love for sorrow’s rain.